Student Loan
Studying overseas is expensive, and many students struggle to fund their international studies. Scholarships and grants are available, but they are very competitive and rarely cover all of your expenses.
An international student loan can cover up to the total cost of attendance, as determined by your school, minus any other aid received.
Here are just a few of the costs your international student loan can cover: Tuition, Room and Board, Books, Travel, Health Insurance, and Living Expenses.
If you are an international student applying to or enrolled at select schools in the US and Canada, and you meet the lender's criteria, you may be eligible for a no-cosigner loan.

A cosigner is a person who is legally-bound on a loan application to pay the outstanding debt in case the applicant is unable to pay.
Most loans for non-US citizens will require a US cosigner, and this will improve your chances of getting approved and lower your interest rate.
If a cosigner is required, they must be a US citizen or US permanent resident with good credit who has lived in the US for the past 2 years.
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